dead-flat-car battery-15-most-common-car-electrical-problems

The most common flat battery scenario: it’s winter, freezing cold, you turn the ignition and…..NOTHING!!!

In another scenario, you hear the painful, moaning sound of your pet trying to come to life.

Either way, it is a sure sign that your battery has done its time.

Many people avoid doing this replacement although it’s no more complicated than changing a headlamp light bulb or the windshield wiper blades.

So, here is a basic procedure on how to make the replacement:

1. Open the hood. Find the battery location

Most cars will have a plastic cover over the battery (for protection purposes). You’ll recognize it by the cables coming from under the cover.

2. Remove the plastic cover

In most cases, it is a “clip-of” job. If not, a basic screwdriver will be enough.

3. Take off the cables from the terminalsminus (-)black first, red (+) second.

In most cars, there will be a lot of wiring on the cables that go to the terminals. Don’t mind them, focus on the main cables (the thickest ones).
Use the proper wrench. Loosen the nuts that tighten the clamps that hold the cables to the terminal. BE CAREFUL WHEN HANDLING THE WRENCH; DO NOT TOUCH ANY OF THE OTHER CABLES OR CAR BODY WITH IT.

4. Loosen the holder

There will probably be a screw or nut holding it in place. If you do not see it at once, take a good look. Don’t do anything by force.

5. Take the old car battery out

Most of them have convenient handles by which you can take a good grip.

6. Put the new battery in place

Make sure it “sits” in place properly

7. Return the holder (put the screw or nut back in place).

8. Return the cables to the terminals

This time do it in reverse (+) first red (+) and then minus (-) blue.

9. Tighten the clamps that connect the cables to the battery terminals.

Don’t overdo it. When the nut stops turning lightly, give it an excessive ¼ turn.

10. Start the car. If everything is OK, it will be as good as new.

Very important: BUY THE PROPER CAR BATTERY!!! Proper in terms of the right size, power, and of course the position of the terminals. When you buy one in a car shop the salesman will probably know which is the proper one. If you’re buying one yourself (gas station, shopping mall, or else) pay attention to the previously mentioned specifications.

The most common mistake when buying a new car battery (if you’re doing it yourself) is buying a battery with the terminals not suiting your car (wrong sided).